My Favorite Way to Start the Day

If there’s one thing I’ve learned after owning and running a business for over 20 years while raising 4 kids, it’s that you have to get control of your day before your day gets control of you! The things I do first-thing in the morning, starting before everyone else is awake, is what sets up the day for success. This …

My Favorite Way to Start the Day

Nina’s fitness routine and triathlon hobby are well-known, but many people wonder how she’s able to stay in such good shape while raising four kids and running a business. She wrote a Medium blog post detailing her morning routine on a normal day. It has inspired readers to wake up and get out the door for their morning exercise. Read …

How Treating Yourself Like a Corporate Athlete Drives Stronger Performance

If you’ve read any of my other posts here on Medium, you know I’m committed to triathlons, staying in shape while traveling, and the importance of having a hobby. For this piece I want to talk about exactly why all of that is so important for a CEO or any high-performing businessperson. A few years ago, I read a Harvard Business Review article about the …