My Favorite Way to Start the Day

Nina’s fitness routine and triathlon hobby are well-known, but many people wonder how she’s able to stay in such good shape while raising four kids and running a business. She wrote a Medium blog post detailing her morning routine on a normal day. It has inspired readers to wake up and get out the door for their morning exercise. Read …

Top Five Books to Inspire Athletes

For over 20 years Nina has been participating in triathlon and other endurance sports. Each event takes mental and physical fortitude and toughness. Sometimes you have to dig deep and find that extra motivation in order to reach the finish line. Often that motivation comes from an inspiring or helpful book. Nina put together a list of five great books …

Nina Vaca completes South Beach Triathlon

Nina Vaca completes South Beach Triathlon

On April 15, 2018, Nina Vaca completed the South Beach Triathlon in Miami with a finishing time of just over four hours. Nina opted to race the International Course which combines a 0.93 mile swim in the Atlantic Ocean with a 24.25 mile biek ride, and finishes with a 6.2 mile run. Looking back on the race, Nina remarks how …